Can burpees be humdrum?

It's been a couple of weeks since the last update and, frankly, not a lot has been going on. Life and work have a habit of throwing challenges into the mix with an apparent disregard for how they impact on us. Squad news: Sheldon ( Sheldon's blog) has carried on burping and blogging. Seriously, if you haven't stopped by, give him a read and drop a comment, his fashion sense is unreal and he could do with a t'internet hug. With each entry (and to be fair, updates from others in the Facebook group) I discover more things in common with people on the other side of the planet. There are a hardcore of other burpeurs/burpeuses confirmed as still quietly chipping away:- Monty, Charles; Hayley; Liz; Hoggy and Trev. We happy few, we band of...wait a minute. "Happy"? By the way, if you are in, with us and still going, drop me a line. It would be great to hear from you and share in your journey. So, happy? Maybe, maybe not. Another couple of drop-outs has been a...