All Things Have Their Season

I've been thinking about training a bit recently. Partly inspired by the end of the indoor rowing "season" and partly on the back of a couple of conversations I've been having. The indoor rowing "season" is actually a year and runs from the 1st May. Having just come to the end of the 2015-16 season it seemed a good time for a review. Top level, I completed 1.4 million metres over 108 hours of sliding up and down on the metal rail. Sounds like a lot of time in the same 8ft x 3ft but it's significantly less time than I spend watching TV. Also, while it is two thirds of my recorded lifetime distance, it is a pretty moderate sort of distance for most indoor rowers. That's not surprising, I don't have a long history of anything that would help me very much and while the physique I've been gifted and enhanced with nutritional choices (good and bad) might have some uses, it is not one that you would look at and think "rower"...